
Posts Tagged ‘Havana Malecon’

Malecon Havana Cuba

Malecon Havana is more than just Havana’s coastal boardwalk; it’s the pulse of all of Cuba and heritage of every Cuban. Strolling along its expansive sidewalk, lapped by waves, you´ll hear music, you’ll see lovers, you’ll see retirees mingling with young Reggaeton dancers trying out their latest acrobatic moves. An almost spiritual awakening and a […]

Visit Havana Malecon

Avenida del Puerto La Habana

Often thought to start in Old Havana, the Havana Malecon experiences a little known name change straight after the turn towards Prado into the Avenida del Puerto. The continuation of the Malecon which borders the entrance to Havana bay until the cruise terminal and beyond to the Armadores Santander Hotel is technically not the Malecon but, who […]

More about Avenida del Puerto to Malecon Habana...