Harlistas Cubanos LAMA | Malecon Havana
Every Saturday from 5pm onwards you’ll find the Harlistas Cubanos on the Malecon of Havana at the La Piragua junction of Malecon and Calle O. Literally 80 meters from the entrance of the Hotel Nacional and 100 meters from the Hotel Capri down towards the sea.
This weekly get-together of Cuban Harley owners is a true delight if you happen to be in the city. The Harley Davidson motorcycle owners of Havana are a playful bunch and welcome tourist and locals alike at their weekly congregation.
At most Saturday events you’ll find at least 50 vintage Harleys. Of course, all the bikes are pre-1960 machines, yet they’re in surprisingly great shape.
Harley Davidson motorcycles are a passion in Cuba as much as they are anywhere else in the world and visiting this weekly event will certainly add some authenticity to your Cuban Vacation.
Harley folks in Havana are a friendly bunch who enjoy their chismes (gossip) and arguing about their bikes. Thankfully, if you don’t speak much Spanish you´ll find several local expats who are members of the local chapter of The Latin American Motorcycle Association or LAMA attending the Saturday event.
The Harley crowd in Havana will even join in the fun and photo sessions with you. Harlistas Cubanos, yet another reason to head to down to Malecon Havana on Saturday afternoon!